Just a few days ago, the iphone-dev team released the latest version of redsn0w, the all in one jailbreak utility for both Mac and Windows operating system. This is redsn0w version 0.9.9b1 which comes with a bunch of new features and a new user interface, simplified for jailbreaking pleasure. I tried the new redsn0w 0.9.9b1 yesterday and here in this post I will describe how to use redsn0w 0.9.9b1 to jailbreak your device, how to get your device into Pwned DFU mode using redsn0w 0.9.9b1 and will describe the use of newly added features like SHSH grabber and recovery fixer.
First of all, let me tell you that your redsn0w has got smarter! Yes, because now it will not ask you to provide your device's IPSW. It will identify your device's iOS version itself and do the stuff related to just that version.
Now lets talk about the interface of redsn0w 0.9.9b1. The new redsn0w has simplified UI. It is mainly divided in two parts. First is the jailbreak part and the second is the extra tools you need beside jailbreak. If you just want to jailbreak your device, then click Jailbreak it will guide you to get your device into DFU mode, where it will identify your device's current iOS version and jailbreak it. The other part - Extras, has some tools which are useful to get your device into Pwned DFU, get your device out of recovery mode, to do a tethered boot etc. These tools are described below.
How to Jailbreak using redsn0w 0.9.9b1?
This is simple. Just run redsn0w 0.9.9b1 and click "Jailbreak" button. Now it will ask if your device is connected to your computer and is powered of. If so, click next and now it will guide you to get your device in pwned DFU mode. After your device is in DFU, it will identify your device and iOS version. When redsn0w ask you to select options, make sure the check box before Install Cydia is checked and click next. Now redsn0w will perform jailbreak. Easy isn't it?
How to enter Pwned DFU Mode using redsn0w 0.9.9b1?
Pwned DFU mode allows you to restore using custom IPSW made with Pwnage Tool or sn0wbreeze so you can preserve your current baseband and can add some more features to your device like custom boot logos, increased partition size etc.
To enter Pwned DFU mode using redsn0w 0.9.9b1, follow these steps.
- Run reds0w 0.9.9b1 and click "Extras".
- Click "Pwned DFU" and it will ask you if your device is connected to computer and is powered off. If so, click Next and if not, then connect your device to your computer and power it off, then click Next.
- Now follow the onscreen steps.
- Press and hold Power Button for two seconds.
- Without releasing the Power Button, press and hold the Home Button too. Keep holding both buttons for about ten seconds.
- Now release the Power Button but keep holding the Home Button for at least fifteen seconds.
- If you followed steps properly, your device will be in DFU mode and redsn0w will patch it to make it "Pwned DFU Mode"
- Now your device is in Pwned DFU mode. You are now able to use custom IPSW. Open iTunes and press "Shift" key on Windows or "Options" key on Mac while clicking the "Restore" button.
- To learn how to create custom IPSW on Windows, read this post.
This is one of new features in redsn0w 0.9.9b1. If you get error 1015 or similar in iTunes after restoring your device and it goes into recovery mode, or blank screen mode (DFU), you can use "Recovery Fix" tool of resn0w 0.9.9b1.
- To use recovery fix tool, click "Recovery Fix" in extras. Click next if your device is connected to computer and is powered off. If not, then connect to computer and power it off, then click next.
- Now follow the onscreen steps to get your device in DFU mode. Once it is in DFU, it will try to inject some code into your device which will help it to get out of recovery loop. Watch your device performing the recovery fix.
- To learn other ways of getting your device out of DFU/Recovery loop, read this post.
After performing recovery fix, your device will reboot.
Note : If you get error in Windows 7/Vista while using redsn0w recovery fix, right click on redsn0w.exe, select Properties, and go to Compatibility tab. Check the box under Compatibility mode, and select Windows XP (Service Pack 2) from the drop-down list and click OK.
How to fetch SHSH blobs using redsn0w 0.9.9b1?
SHSH blobs are very important thing if you ever want to downgrade your device. If you have not saved SHSH blobs for your device, you can't downgrade. Normally if you jailbreak your device, Cydia automatically saves your future SHSH blobs on its server. But you may want to keep a backup of your blobs locally, on your computer. To fetch SHSH blobs using redsn0w 0.9.9b1, follow these steps.
- Click SHSH Blobs under extras.
- Click fetch.
- Click next if your device is connected to computer and is powered off. If not, then connect to computer and power it off, then click next.
- Now follow the onscreen steps to get your device in DFU mode. After your device is in DFU, it will fetch available SHSH blobs for your device and reboot.
As you can see in the picture above, it shows "Nothing to do" because I have already saved my SHSH blobs with Cydia.
If you want to see which SHSH blobs are saved by Cydia for your device, click Query, and enter * (if you have already used redsn0w for other tasks) and click OK. It will query Cydia about your device's SHSH and show you the results.
The other two features of redsn0w 0.9.9b1 include manually specifying IPSW. You can browse to a IPSW and redsn0w will use that IPSW version for every process you perform.
Then there is Preferences, in which you can see a list of known devices' ECIDs.You can specify a custom boot logo for tethered-boot devices in Boot Logo under preferences.
Download redsn0w 0.9.9b1
So this is it. Here I finish the article of latest redsn0w 0.9.9b1 with new interface and features.
If you need any help, feel free to ask.
Oh and I've opened a new forum at www.forum.blogonerd.me. You can come over and join where I will provide further support for all tutorials and other stuff. Please do visit my forum, it has many other stuff besides tutorial support too.
Related Article - How To Create And Use Custom IPSW
Related Article - How To get Rid of Black Screen or DFU Loop After Restore