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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

ultrasn0w 0.93 Released. Now Unlock 04.26.08 To 05.13.04 Basebands

Good news people.. Just after the official release of iOS 4.0, the latest carrier unlock for iPhone "ultrasn0w 0.93" is released by iPhone Dev Team.. Now you can unlock your iPhone 3G and 3GS having operating system 3.1.2, 3.1.3, or 4.0 having bootroms 04.26.08, 5.11.07, 05.12.01, and 05.13.04.

To install this unlock, you must have already jailbroken device. To download and run ultrasn0w 0.93, go to cydia, add in sources and search for ultrasn0w 0.93. Download it and it will be installed. Now you will be able to use any SIM on your iDevice.

Things to remember:

  • ultrasn0w 0.93 will work with any iOS from 3.0 to 4.0.
  • If you used "Spirit" jailbreak, you should not upgrade to iOS 4.0 till further news.
  • If you rely on unlock and want to keep it, DON'T upgrade to 4.0 until official jailbreaking tool for iOS 4.0 is released.

I have tested ultrasn0w with iPhone 3.1.3(factory) having bootrom 05.12.01 and its working like a charm.

For more information, follow iPhone Dev team on twitter.

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