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Monday, December 24, 2012

Apple Plays Even Tougher : Makes iOS 6.1 Jailbreak Difficult

Apple has gone tougher with its iOS security. It has made it even more difficult to jailbreak iOS with iOS 6.1. It has been long time since iOS 6 was released but there has been no untethered jailbreak for it. Usually Apple patches the jailbreak exploit found in an iOS version in its next update. But this time, Apple has gone even tougher by implementing "difficult to break" protection in iOS 6.1.

All this is coming from security researcher Stefan Essar aka i0n1c's recent tweet.

iOS 6.1 adds tougher protection

i0n1c was the man behind iOS 4.3.1 jailbreak and has been researcher for quite a long time. He has not specified the matter but it is bad news for the iOS jailbreak community indeed.

There is no public jailbreak for iOS 6 yet. There is a jailbreak by chpwn named "failbreak" which is reserved for iOS jailbreak development though. But let us hope that someone in the iOS jailbreak teams will bring us the iOS 6 untethered jailbreak pleasure soon. Keep your fingers crossed.

Until next time, Bye from +Perez Park

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