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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Spam Alert : Spammers Sending Spam Emails That Looks Like Myspace Emails : Do Not Open

Hello everyone. In this articles today, I want to warn you about recent spam emails from Myspace. A lot of users are receiving this kind of emails that looks like authentic emails from Myspace, but these are in fact spam emails. A few weeks ago I posted about authentic looking spam emails from YouTube and Tagged. Following the same strategy, spammers are now sending emails from Myspace.

These emails contains different titles including, but not limited to, as below:
  • Tina Moore has sent you a new private message.
  • Aisling Phillips has sent you a new private message.
  • Megan Wood has sent you a new private message.
Upon opening these emails, you are probably going to take them as authentic email from Myspace itself. But after taking a closer look on them, you will come to know that they are not authentic at all.

These spam emails looks like below:

As you can see, this fake emails looks very similar to Myspace emails. They contain link to view the message and links to profiles of famous artists like Justin Bieber, T-Pain, Travis Barker, and K$sha. Under these artists' names, they contain link to be friend with them. Also note that these emails are sent from a fake domain -, which is absolutely not Myspace official domain.

At the end of the message, it contain a link to turn of the notifications from Myspace.

Now all these view message button, famous artists' profile links and update account setting links are fake. Under all this "legit looking" links, hides a link where the spammers wants to take you. If you click any of these links, you are not going to Myspace, but to a page which may contain malicious scripts. It may steal your information. It may also drop a Trojan or backdoor in your computer. If it is none of these, it will probably be a Viagra site.

It can be anything on that page, but you surely don't wish to go there. You should stop yourself from clicking any of the link inside these emails, and delete them right away. It could be harmful to click any of the links inside these fake emails.

Now as posted in previous scam alerts about YouTube and Tagged, these spam emails are taken as authentic emails from Myspace and are put in your "inbox". So it is not surprising you take them as authentic emails. It always makes me wonder if the spam filter actually works.

Anyway, this is it. Do not open any sucpisious looking emails. If you open them, mouse over the links and see if they are fake links to a third party web page. If so, delete the email right away without having a second thought. It is up to you to be alert. So Be smart, be safe.

Until next, bye!

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