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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How To Delete Your Facebook Account Permenantly - A Step By Step Guide

Hello everyone. Many days passed since my last post. I thought I should post something and so I decided to post about deleting a Facebook account permanently. Facebook is the world's largest social networking website with over 840 million active users, being operated by over 3000 employees. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg and friends in year 2004 and since then, it has become very popular all over the world. It dominates the rivals like orkut (orkut? something like this even exists?) and google+ by a large margin.

So if Facebook is so popular, why would anyone wish to delete his/her account? Well, there are many reasons. Some don't like Facebook's privacy policy and privacy settings, some wish to move to other social networking websites like google+, some want to take part in protests like "Leave Facebook" or something and want to delete their account along with other large amount of users, some are just bored with facebook and want to move on, or some are under medical counseling, and the doctor told them to stay away from facebook, or some simply want to get rid of it. Your reason for deleting your facebook account can be any, if you want to learn how to delete your facebook account permanently, read on.

How Do I Delete My Facebook Account Permanently?

Step 1
Log in to your facebook account.
After logging into facebook, if you want to, you can take a look at your friends' status updates, new photos of their puppies or kittens, newly done hairstyle or nail art, stupid one liners, famous quotes etc. Once you are done, move to Step 2.

Step 2
Now think about your wish to delete your facebook account. It is possible that you change your mind after looking at your friends' (useless) status updates. You may get emotional and press that "like" button. If you really wish to get rid of your account, do not press that like button. Try to refrain yourself from pressing that like button. You are leaving facebook. Try to get rid of this bad habit of pressing that like button. Hold your self, take a deep breath, get up from your chair and take a walk. Now once you get over your emotions and move to Step 3. Before that, you may want to tell your friends that you are leaving facebook, forever, and you will never come back. Wave a last goodbye to your friends and if you are going to join another social networking site, mention that in your message.

Step 3
Deleting your assets.
Now it is time to delete everything what belongs to you.

First, delete your photo albums. You should keep in mind that facebook doesn't guarantee that all your facebook photos will be removed permanently from their servers as soon as you delete them from your account, but they say they do remove them on regular basis. You know what? I don't really trust these guys. Your deleted photos may disappear from your facebook profile, but they are still visible through a direct link (one more reason for me to hate facebook). If you thought your intimate photos with your boyfriend(s!) will be deleted from facebook once you delete them from your profile, you are wrong. They will stay on facebook's servers unless they actually remove them from there.

We don't know when they will remove your photographs, but we are going to delete them all.
Now we will delete other personal information like your phone/mobile number, secondary e-mails. address etc. You can remove every information you wish.

Now remove privileges you have given to third party apps. Remove every app which have access you your facebook profile, which an post messages on your wall etc. Done? Let's move to Step 4.

Step 4
Now the actual account deleting process starts.
See a down arrow in top right corner of your facebook profile? Click it. Now click Help.

Step 5
In the help box, type delete and you will see a list of related help topics. Click "how do I permanently delete my account?". We are going through help section because it is possible that facebook change the layout. If we go through help, it will always take us where we actually need to go.

Now you will see the help on how you an delete your facebook account permanently. Read that information and click the link that says "submit your request here".

Now you will see a box that displays Delete my account button. Before continuing, you may want to re-consider your decision of deleting your account permanently. There is no come back after this. So hold your emotions, and don't cry. "It's okay.." If you do not wish to delete your facebook account, you can press the "Cancel" button. If you have made decision to delete your account, it is the time to press "Delete my account" button. "Do it corporal !!"

Now you will see a box that displays warning that you are about to delete your facebook account permanently and blah blah! Read it. Now provide your facebook account password and type-in the captcha, and press the OK button.

After you press the OK button, your facebook account will be de activated and request to delete your account will be submitted to facebook. Read the confirmation message and press OK.

Alright corporal! Your job is done. Your account has been de-activated from facebook, and it will take 14 days to delete your account from facebook completely. De-activated account means if you login to facebook within these 14 days, you have an option to re-activate your facebook account and you will get your facebook account back, just as you left it. I know you don't want it back. Am I right? So, do not log-in to facebook in these 14 days. Try to convince yourself that you are not using facebook anymore. Close your browser, and delete your cookies, remove facebook from bookmark and anywhere else you have it. When you wake up next morning, remember not to log in to facebook to check if anyone commented on your cute pic you posted last night! Remove facebook from your mind, completely. If you can't hold your self back, shout "I am not using facebook anymore" "I am not using facebook anymore". You will feel better.

Okay, so now when your facebook account is finally deleted, you can move to another website. You can feel like having burden gone from your mind now. Alright. So that was it. How to delete facebook account permanently. Will be back with more post later. Until then, keep rocking.

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