Related - Want to play Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer online? The FourDeltaOne IW5M tutorial is posted here.
Hello everyone. How are you doing. I hope everyone is enjoying the new year. I am back with the first post of year 2012. Today I am going to post tutorial about playing Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Spec Ops / Survival Without Steam Account. Call Of Duty franchisee is one of the most sold games all over the world and last year, Modern Warfare 3, the third and last part of the Modern Warfare series was released. Modern Warfare 3 was highly awaited by all Call Of Duty game lovers all over as Modern Warfare 2 was a huge success because of its amazing game play, characterization and storyline. Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 was also a great success and it was said to break all records of game selling.
In addition to single player gameplay, Modern Warfare 3 also features multiplayer gameplay. Other feature includes Spec Ops which also can be played single and multiplayer. Spec Ops include two types - Survival and Mission. In survival mode, you have to survive waves as long as you can, while in missions, you are given different missions to complete. Both - Survival and Missions can be played either single player or multiplayer. If you have played mutiplayer, you will agree that it is more fun to play multiplayer than single player.
In order to play multiplayer, you are required to have a Steam Account, through which, you can host games and join games hosted by others. And you are also required to have an always on, high-speed internet connection. Now what if you don't have a Steam account and/or you don't have an internet connection? What if you just wanted to play offline, at your home, along with your friends, in a LAN Party? These problems are solved already and you can enjoy Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer gameplay, without having a Steam account, or even without an internet connection! How? Read on.
There are countless geeks all over the world who always try to do something new, making things even better. They modify things and make them do what they are not supposed to do. And all of you geeks will agree with me that this is really fun! Many geeks out there works on game modding. They create different mods, which makes your gameplay even more pleasurable. Now the guys at TeknoGods have come up with a mod which makes you able to play Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer without a Steam account. Thanks to them, you can enjoy offline LAN gameplay too. Want to play Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer with your friends, without Steam and/or without internet connection? Let me show you how.
What this process will do?
Upon successful completion of this tutorial, you will be able to play Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 without the need of a Steam Account. You can enjoy the multiplayer game (spec ops) with your friends, even without internet.
Note : This tutorial is not intended for pirated copies of Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3.
Note : Only two players can play this multiplayer at the moment.
Note : My tutorial is only for those who want to play in Local Area Network (LAN) at home. I have tested this method with two players on LAN, without internet connection.
Note : Although this method is pretty easy to use, you are required to have patience. It may not work as intended in the first try. So it is assumed that you have patience and courage to try again if it does not. It is assumed that you will not break your monitor screen, or bang your head in wall in anger. And even if you do, I am not the one to blame.
Note : It is assumed that you already know hot to setup Local Area Connection (LAN) between computers.
How To Play Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Without Steam:
Step 1
- Preparing everything needed.
- You must install Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 on all computers first. No problem if already installed.
- Download and install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or above. Click here to download .NET Framework 4.0
- Download the TeknoMW3 Mod. Click here to download. (version 1.3)
- Turn off your anti virus and firewall product for some moments.
- Extract the .RAR file using WinRAR or similar utility, to a folder anywhere - say on desktop.
- Now add this folder to exception in your anti virus product, as it may identify the mod files as unwanted or harmful program.
- Also add your Modern Warfare 3 installation folder to exception. Default path is - C://Program Files/...
Example - Adding Exception - AVG
Step 2
- Backing up your current data.
- In the Modern Warfare 3 installation folder, find file named - steam_api.dll and rename it to something like steam_api_.dll
- If you have already played the game before, you may have saved data. Copy the players2 folder and paste it somewhere else.
Step 3
- Now copy steam_api.dll and TeknoMW3.exe files from the folder extracted on Desktop and paste them both in the installation directory of Modern Warfare 3.
Step 4
- If you have third party firewall installed, configure it to allow TeknoMW3.exe, iw5sp.exe and iw5mp_server full access to internet/network. If you only have Microsoft Firewall, simply disable it from Control Panel.
Example - Adding Exception In Firewall - AVG
Step 5
- Configuring Host.
- Go to you LAN adapter's Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) properties and give IP address manually.
- Example IP -
- Subnet mask will be -
- Now run TeknoMW3.exe. It will ask you to enter name and FOV. Enter the name you would like to have. I will name it ghost. In FOV enter 65.
- Click Save.
- Now enter the same IP you gave in LAN adapter.
- Now enable the I am the Host option and click Start Game.
- Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 will start.
- Configuring Client
- Go to you LAN adapter's Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) properties and give IP address manually.
- Example IP -
- Subnet mask will be -
- Now run TeknoMW3.exe. It will ask you to enter name and FOV. Enter the name you would like to have. I will name it soap. In FOV enter 66.
- Click Save.
- Now enter the IP address of the Host (
- Now click Start Game.
- Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 will start.
Step 7
- Playing Game.
- Select TEKNOGODS COOP on host first, and then the client.
- Now if everything went properly, the client will join the Host's game. Host's and client's name can be seen on the right side.
- Now the Host will have to select the play mode. So click Change Op and then select Survival or Missions. Then select the mission you would like to play.
- Now click Start Op and the game on Host and Client will start loading. Clients have nothing to do. Host will do all process.
Known Issues and Troubleshooting
- Issue 1 : When Client tries to join the game, it says Host and Client have same SteamID. Change it in teknogods.ini.
- This issue is the most common issue you will come across. To get rid of it, quit the game on Host and Client and go to game installation directory. You will see teknogods.ini file there. Open it with notepad.
- You will see something like this
ID=3EA6B9Z0 (You will see any random eight digit number as ID)
- Now what you have to do is to change the ID. Enter any other eight digit number there. I would recommend 00100001 for host. And enter 0010000X on clients. Where X will be the number after 1. Example 00100002.
- Now run TeknoMW3.exe again on Host and Client. Remember that the host must select I am the host option. (And there can be only one host)
- Issue 2 : When Client tries to join the game, it keeps displaying "Connecting to host. host is bad" but does not connect to host.
- This issue in because of your firewall program. You may have not added TeknoMW3.exe and iw5sp.exe in firewall exception. So close the game on both Host and Client, and add it to firewall exception. Then try again.
- If the issue does not solve, Host should minimize the game by pressing ALT+Tab keys and see if the firewall program is asking for permission to allow connection. If so, allow it forever and get back in the game. If clients still can't connect, try again.
- The best way to get rid of this will be - Disabling the firewall on Host and Client.
- Issue 3 : The game freezes for some moments during the gameplay.
- This issue is normal and I haven't find any way to solve it. Just get with it. It will keep freezing randomly for a few seconds (around 5 seconds) on Host and Client together.
- Issue 4 : My game crashes during gameplay.
- To get over this issue, Open My Computer properties, go to Advanced - Performance. Go to Data Execution Prevention tab and select the Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select option. Now click add and browse to the Modern Warfare 3 installation directory and add iw5sp.exe and iw5mp_server. Make sure the check box before both files is selected.
These are the most common issues and they may get solved in next releases of the loader.
Okay so this was the tutorial on How To Play Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer without Steam Account on Local Area Network (LAN). Have fun playing. If you enjoyed this tutorial, please spread the words about it anywhere you can.
Related - Want to play Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer online? The FourDeltaOne tutorial is posted here.
Tutorial last update - 18th January 2012