A few days ago, I received an email from Flattr about something called "Pay A Blogger Day". I was like, what is that? Pay a Blogger? I mean I could be paid for being a blog writer? I don't need those stupid ads to be shown on my blog anymore, to earn a few bucks? I mean it could really happen? Bullshit. I never thought that way. But hey, the idea of paying a blogger is really nice. "Pay a Blogger Day is our effort to put the bloggers in the spotlight to recognize the value they bring to the internet. Not to mention our own daily web consumption" the page on Flattr blog reads.
While these cool guys at Flattr are planning to celebrate the Pay A Blogger Day tomorrow - 29th November, I think it is really a good chance to write up my experience with blogging, how I started this blog and how well it is going. Read on to know my experience of starting a blog and making it helpful to others.
You know what? I really never thought of being helpful to others by writing a blog. I always intended to make my blog to be the cool, nice place where I could hangout, I could write my ideas, thoughts and stuff, where I could share my experience with everyone and by this way or that, I have succeeded somewhat.
I mean this is not the place I always wanted to make what it is right now, but when I actually created my blog, I wasn't really sure about what to write? I used to read others' blogs and found them interesting. I like reading, and writing too. But what would I write man? I wasn't sure yet.
Then I thought to start by posting some interesting news. But there are thousands of news sites, open for years, who's gonna read mine? Days kept passing and one day I started by posting my own iPhone experiences and experiments. Now this is what I like to write about the most. I started to post different iPhone tutorials and not to mention, no one used to read them. Sigh..! My first actual article was about saving SHSH blobs. How many people read that? Not more than 200! And no, I wasn't surprised.
Then I started to post some tech news. And about 20 people read them. Days kept passing, post count kept increasing and reader count? The same - 5, 20, 25, 39... time to lose hope. Shut this damn blog, no one's ever gonna read it. But I didn't stop. I kept posting iPhone tutorials and other stuff. As day kept passing, I kept posting, no matter anyone reads my blog or not.
Then all this started changing. I stopped updating my blog for weeks. I was like, it don't matter I write or not. But it was my child, I would never abandon it. Then I started posting again. Back with a bang eh!
My iPhone tutorials were grabbing attention. daily page views started increasing. People actually started reading my tutorials. They started asking for help. And this was the great feeling! My blog actually started making sense!! This boosted my enthusiasm and love for my blog. I started posting more and more about iPhone, mostly tutorials. And people found them helpful. What a time that was!
After having enough page views as per my satisfaction, I felt like I should just go this way - post about iPhones, tutorials, news everything. Then I jumped on technology track. Being a tech geek, it wasn't hard to write up some tech stuff. And that's it. My blog, turned a tech blog. But actually I don't just write about tech stuff. I always grab a chance to write about some interesting things going around. I write about the governments, the people, things that matters to me and others, and I like to post my views.
After having 150 posts on my blog (it could be more, but I removed a few in early days) I no more think about how many people are going to read it, what people will think, what the will say, I don't think all this. It was one of the happiest day in my life when I bought my own domain! and my blog turned Blog O Nerd.
And yeah, I was talking about Pay A blogger Day right? Well, it doesn't really matter being paid. I could be paid in cash by putting that Please Donate button on my blog. But I never thought to be paid for my blogs. Everything I post about are my own experiences and I don't think I am doing anyone a favor by writing. But this doesn't mean I don't need money. I need it. That's why I started adding ads on my blog. I, myself don't like ads but I have to put them here. I need a good money for my upcoming exams and I hope people visiting my blog don't get the wrong idea.
Do you think any of my posts were useful to you? Do you think I could be paid money for my tutorials? Well, even if you think yes, I don't want it. I don't want to ask for money, if you think I could be paid even a little penny, just give it to anyone in need. Any poor, needy one could have that buck instead of me. They are the one who actually needs money, more than me. If you really want me to have some money, please use Flattr. It is a great idea of sharing revenues. I will not keep the money and will donate to others.
You know what, when people say, "Man! This was really helpful. You really saved my life! Thank you", it feels great. If you really like my posts, share them with others, it is all I can ask. If you like, send me an email, having a cool photograph or video of you, your children, your pets, especially cats - and their cute kittens! Send me your love, your good wishes, a picture of rose, a poem, a song, a joke anything you like that can make someone smile. My email is - iambl0gger@yahoo.com. And if I get your love and best wishes, I plan to remove some ads from my blog.
Okay then, that's it from me today. Have a happy Pay A Blogger Day tomorrow.